Saturday, October 3, 2009

October Fall Season..

Greetings All..

Well, here we are at October, and a fun filled day at that.. I am surprised how fast Sept went but then it went slow to.. Here we at at October and my adoption anniversary came and went my sister called for a quick hello to me then I spent the day having some down time, enjoyed it to, altho we went to pick up my Husband's car which broke down on Tues due to a fuel pump.. Cost some money and omg expensive! Plus it needed an oil change as well, so thats done, soon tires need rotation and he needs wipper blades for the rain soon to come.. So alot going on..

The second note is my son's birthday is soon, Weds in fact he'll be 4yrs old where does the time go, I remember when I held him after he was born this tiny package that got pulled out of me after carrying him for 9mo long.. Still amazed how sweet and precious he is to me and how much he's a light to my life.. He's potty training now, due to school he wasnt potty trained so he will go to Kindy next year reguardless of pre-school education.. He'll be potty trained by then for sure and on his own.. He's sitting next to me playing blocks while his dinner cools down in the oven..

Often I do not know what to blog but I do my best, Hubbie and I are ok, he needs to seek counseling his depression is worse and we have money issues but who doesnt? Especially in the way the world is now. I just pray we make it to 9 yrs of Marriage in 6mo .. We'll see..

I pray y'all are well and happy.. Blessings to all of you as well as love and prayers....

Blessed Be,


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September Moments...

Well,I gotta admit September gotten off to a good start some what.. The school year kicked in the last 2 weeks of August and we just now passed labor day weekend not long ago.. Here we are near the end of the month and soon my son's 4th birthday coming up.. Where does the time go? I have no idea where or how... I just know its going quick... He hurt his head not long ago about week now, and he gotten 2 staples in his head for a small wound then today at his Dr.'s gotten them removed he did pretty well to.. Then the same day or so, my Husband's grandma landed in the hospital and now at a rehabilitation place for some rebuild of muscles and the sort.. Then my cat Majic got sick and had to be put down, so its a rough week for all of us here in the Clan.. All I want to do now is curl up and go to sleep and sleep for awhile,and not think or feel, I am that tired... So thats the life here, at least a quick update for the Month of Sept and August. Hope y'all are good and well... Talk later!

Love & Light


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Update on Life

Hello All...

Well here we are, near the end of summer and schools will be in session for long.. Oh boy! So not ready for school accedemics to start and so happy to see fall coming.. Just enjoying some down time.. My son J went to grandmas for a couple days got home yesterday was praying a week but two days are better than not at all... July went out with a bang and glad to see it go.. Not much to report for july just hard to get through.. Some of my closest family and freinds know how hard it is.. So cant believe is Auguts already and the feel of it being so starting to slowly cool down but ya know how it is..

Well loved seeing my bff a couple times this summer her stoppin for a visit and dropping off packages.. We're discussing Christmas as we go, due to the school season and when the school is out for the break.. Hope that Hubbie has one of those days off.. Altho this year he has Thanksgiving off! WAHOO I pray so!!! It falls on his day off so we'll see..Can only cross fingers for that to happen..hehe...

Well, time for some rest for me, been busy! Keep in touch y'all!!

Love & Light


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Month of July

Greetings All,

Well july is going fairly fast than expected. We zoomed through July 4th, our Independance day with somewhat flying colors, altho, seemed to be fair temps for those who were outside enjoying the day outdoors among so many who enjoy fireworks.. Now some might say why wasnt I and our son out,well simple I hate the heat! So we listned to the fireworks boom in the air nearby schools/churches, so cool maybe next year we'll go who knows?

This past week has been rough, the 11th anniversary of my dad's passing into glory of heavan, sort of hard to forget the whole day and how it all spelled out that day... But got through this week as best I can..

Our a/c went nutso yesterday, and didnt produce as much, so we turned it off with only 75 degrees outside to let the a/c have a break altho we were miserable all day yesterday.. Today much better as far as cool and temps so far are decent, am pretty sure we'll get through the trippple digets...

School will begin for our son J soon, next month, oy so not ready for that! But also l know he'll learn far more and make hope solid friends for life... So need to purchase shorts and some shirts for the start of the school year due to the extreem heat.. This will be an interesting phase of life...

So not much going on here, just trying to stay out of the heat, and enjoy the indoors a bit more.. I'll be glad when fall comes I can wear jeans and tanks along with my flip-flops and be super comfy.. Hate shorts and yet the only thing that is to wear in the summer..Hm..

Well, I know its been awhile since I've posted, hope to keep it going.. Talk soon!

Love & Light


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

RE:Birthday Bash

Hola All...

This post is like weeks late, but at least its something LOL.. I've been doing other things instead of posting... My birthday was nice, even though it was hot.. Hubbie got me some cute things, plaques, pictures, and let me buy a nice frame, its beautiful,gotta post a pic of it soon.. I cant believe I'm 34 yrs old,oy! And I have a son who's gonna be going to pre-school in August.. Amazing,and still trying to get pregnant again to.. So things are a process.. The last few weeks have been crazy dealing with Fathers Day Hubbie worked that day and was very late getting home..

So not much else to report, near July and the 4th.. Wow just crazy how time is flying this year, now that most of the big dates are done like bdays and anniversary's done.. Just our son's bday soon in Oct..

I hope y'all are good and staying cool! Much Love!

Love & Light

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One Flaw In Women

By the time the Lord made woman,
He was into his sixth day of working overtime.
An angel appeared and said,"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered,
"Have you seen my spec sheet on her?
She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,have over 200 movable parts, all replaceableand able to run on diet coke and leftovers,have a lap that can hold four children at one time,have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart-and she will do everything with only two hands.

"The angel was astounded at the requirements."Only two hands!? No way!
And that's just on the standard model?
That's too much work for one day.Wait until tomorrow to finish.""But I won't," the Lord protested.
"I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart.She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days.

"The angel moved closer and touched the woman."But you have made her so soft, Lord."

"She is soft," the Lord agreed,"but I have also made her tough.You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."

"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.

The Lord replied,"Not only will she be able to think,she will be able to reason and negotiate.

"The angel then noticed something,and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek."Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model.I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."

"That's not a leak,"the Lord corrected,"that's a tear!"

"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.

The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy,her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love,her loneliness, her grief and her pride.

"The angel was impressed."You are a genius, Lord.You thought of everything!

Woman is truly amazing."And she is

Women have strengths that amaze men.They bear hardships and they carry burdens,but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happyand laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answerwhen they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children exceland cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear abouta birth or a wedding.Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kisscan heal a broken heart.Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail youto show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.Women have vital things to say and everything to give.


A Letter from God to Women

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate.

I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity.
From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as> you are meant to do
Around this one bone, I shaped you.... I modeled you

I created you perfectly and beautifully Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile.
You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart..

His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart.
Support man as the rib cage supports the body.

You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from> his head, to be above him.
You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.

You are my perfect angel.....

You are my beautiful little girl.
You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence and my eyes fill when
I see the virtues in your heart.
Your eyes......don' t change them.
Your lips - how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose, so perfect in form.
Your hands so gentle to touch.
I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep.
I've held your heart close to mine.

Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me.

Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely.

He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you; my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support.

You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image, woman my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God...

So man......treat woman well.
Love her, respect her, for she is fragile but yet strong at the same time.

Author Unknown

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Kickoff.

Hello Loved Ones

Well here we are June 2nd and the summer is offically on the kick off of time.. Hard to believe May ran away wtih all that we had to do,and honestly I am glad the month is over.. Soon in a few months my sweet first born son will be in pre-school I am amazed and yes trying to decide on a 2nd child weather natural or by adoption still taking it much prayer and thought..

I cant belive its June alredy and my birthdy and father's day all roll into one.. oy! Definatly something worth doing.. Money wise things have been tight but soon hopeing it wont be and we'll finally be settled again to start thinking clearly.. Just some stuff has been cropping up with us and slowly dealing with it but not so bad but a royal pain in the ass is all I got to say..

So starting our slow summer days and loving each minute of it.. I am glad for one that schools are getting out and yet by fall I'll be one of those parents that will have school to discuss and a new phase of life and I guess I welcome it but then I tend to be scared of a new beginning if it makes sense..

Well I know this post isnt much but its a start.. At least the summer start :)

Much love,

Love & Light

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

Hola All,

Its been about 2 weeks since I last posted didnt think it was that long! Things been crazy and just been busy.. Last week we were to register my son J for preschool but the school made a mistake in the days I requested had to change it so we finally did it this yesterday.. So now he'll start in the fall I hope he does well and ajustes well to..

This past weekend was Memorial day weekend we honor the men/women in our military alive and dead for our freedom as a nation.. So do thank those who are military in your lives.. My MIL took flowers and a flag to my Dad's site he's a WWII vet fought on 2 different ships.. Even though it also marked the 11th year of my mother's passing to heaven..

So not much happening here just chilling with my son cleaning here/there doing the norm every day life.. Watching now the movie The Last Samuri (Love this movie) an in depth story of one man's change in his life.. I am amazed how its told..

Well I know this isnt much of a post but at least its gone 2 weeks so hope to start June's off to a good start.. God bless

Love & Light


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day 2009


Well Mothers Day went un-eventful but well.. Despite of my son not listening to me but he does well for a 3.5 yr old kid.. Hubbie made me a nice breakfast of waffles and bacon with OJ and Pop.. So good! Held me over all day long and it was great,I had pizza bread that night for a quick bite.. My son J and I watched movies while I was on the PC for a few hours enjoying some down time..

Today we spent time together we paid a bill then grabbed McD's out for lunch came home after getting 2 coffee drinks then I did some dishes then came back to my room which I love, and played a game for a couple hours.. Hubbie made bbq chicken and rosted tators and bbq veggies pretty good then toasted bagel .. We watched ER all night long and I've done some stuff on the PC.

So now its almost night night and I'm tired slept poorly this morning so I'm looking forward to some sleep.. Now just need to change for bed oy! Have a great week all !



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Month of May

Well Hello Loved Ones

Well April went kind of slow but eventful to say the least.. I know I dont post much nor much every week due to its the same crap every week.. But we've had a beautiful rain on Friday of this past weekend and I loved every minute of it.. My son J said we were sitting on my bed watching Movies and she goes Mommy its raining.. And I said it is? He goes yeah and I looked outside and low-behold it was pouring.. I had to wash some stuff and rugs due to lil J decided to make a mess in the bathroom while taking a bath.. Oy!

So now here we are about to celebrate Mothers Day in a few days which is nice,but oy its interesting how time flies.. We did our useal bi-weekly banking and checking then we got Taco bell for lunch then off to grocery shopp for food, we were low... Came home I started laundry and the like still dishes but those can wait.. My AF showed up so I"m like blah...

Then we got a cauppicino blast yummy! Drank that , we had a teryoki bowl for dinner so now munching on peanubutter cookies watching ER season 6 I think? We watched Mad-Dog & Glory tonight to... A pretty good movie to say the least, not one I'd own..

This month is not my favorite but I get through it.. At least I think I do.. I am not one of those type that goes into the summer months happy and thrilled.. I love fall and winter to much..

Well best I close this.. Hope y'all have a good week.. Blessings

Love & Light

Friday, April 24, 2009

Heat/Cool Temps

Hello Loved Ones

Well this week has been interesting.. To say the least, we had extreme temps in the high 90's and upper 80s and now finally dropped down to the 70s again,yes! I am loving the 70's to enjoy..

We had our 8th wedding anniversary this past Tues, it was a sort of eventful but not eventful day.. We were mostly home due to me having a cold and my son J has a cold and we're both on the tail end ... During the day I met with my nephew for lunch and then had to help him out with taking him to his car and so he can take care of business..

Later I got home changed cloths then we dropped J off to Great Grandma's then went to the Cheesecake Factory we both had good food,a glass of wine, iced tea, Hub had a steak and mashed tators, then I had shrimp and white rice.. Oh so good! We had bread and such to, with a slice of cheese cake..

Then we walked the mall a bit to walk off dinner browsed some stores didn't buy any thing sort of didn't need to..

So we're done with the every day stuff for now, just gotta run the d/w and laundry is done for a few days, and its only Friday.. I'm like dang I caught up on house stuff since been sick last weekend with headache pain on a scale of 1-10 and the pain a 10+ not so fun! I'm on the tail end of this so hope it'll kick soon, yuk!

Hope y'all have a great weekend and a blessed time.. Keep safe and enjoy the beautiful weather hopefully!

Love & Light

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Cold Front...

Hello Everyone

Today has been one heck of a cold front high winds and slight rain if not rain totally.. I woke up and it was a nice day breezy and cold but nice, was in a tank and jeans along with my birks.. Come to find out I had to change tops and stick on socks.Oy! I think my son is coming down with a cold so I have given him a little bit of cold meds to help him rest along with a nice warm bath tonight..

We stayed home today didnt do alot but enough I guess.. I did the laundry while enjoying the seasons of ER.. On season 10 I think,we'll need 11-15 soon.. Then we'll own all of them.. Hope to mop the floor tomorrow once Hubbie goes to work, we've been so busy doing other things, yesterday we went to BBW ( Bath and Body Works) for some more body wash for me,I got 2 and the 3rd free,Yahoo! Then went to return movies and got soda for myself to.. We had a nice dinner last night , bbq chicken and veggies along with rice pilaf yummy!

This afternoon for lunch we had a burito with enchalata sauce and tonight we had teryoki chicken and garlic bread and pasta salad.. Yum again! LOL

Well thats about it here just enjoying a cold front gonna keep an eye on my son for his cold and see and pray it doesnt get worse, dont want to go to the Dr for a cold deal.. Well I pray y'all had a great weekend and a good start of the week, and a great Easter Holiday this past Sunday..

May God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and give you peace..

Much Love

Love & Light

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter....He is Risen 4-09

Passage Matthew 28:6:

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

How often do I think of this passage of time where we celebrate our Lord's resurection.. I am amazed to see how long its been and each year as we come to this point in time we're celebrating again either his birth or his glorious resurection.. I dont see how many can hope for a great life and yet life in the life with Jesus.... Today I'm hanging out with my son and enjoying the beautiful weather we're having and doing light housework... Not much happening feeling good and loving things..

Hope y'all have a great Easter Sunday and a blessed one.. Remember He is Risen!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Retail Therapy...

Hello Friends

Well today we spent some time in retail therapy.. I needed it due to alot going on and just love to decorate our home and make it beautiful.. I love it.. Makes me feel good and also got some great ideas on stuff to.. We did our banking today and need to pay a bill for some reason but oh well and rent will come out soon in the bank..

Today we went and stopped at Walmart and I got 2 candles, one Hazelnut and the other Vanilla Yummi! Then I bought ER seasons 8-10 so we'll be caught up soon on those seasons.. Then got what else, oh some easeter stuff at Target for my son J.. He'll llove that its a McQueen Easter basket with candy and the like something small and re-useable.. Then I got these really cute plaque's for my kitchne they are in Chinese or Japanees writting that says Tranquility and the other Harmony.. So darn cute! I'll take a pic of them soon.. Still finding more signs and things to make our home nice.. We had McD's for lunch and then I got Hubbie a coffee drink from there and I'll get mine tomorrow..

We just ate pizza and now watching ER season 8.. I love this show so good my favorite characters are Kovac and Green.. So seem down to earth.. I like that.. I think tomorrow will be the grocery shopping and dealing with the like.. I cant wait cuz we'll need food soon.. I know deep down it'll give us things to eat..

So thats pretty much my past few days.. I cant or wont say much due to things but just gonna do my best to let it lie and be.. Not much can change and its not my fault..

Love & Light


Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Business....

Hello Everyone

Well today has been busy.. I slept in till 1:30 this afternoon after falling asleep last night around 3:30 or so.. I was tired,and I'm bushed tonight for sure.. Oy!

My Husband and I were busy cleaning we spent the day doing different stuff.. I after a nice hot shower, and dressed got my day going since I over slept by an hour.. I hate that.. I got the mop and bucket and did the floors, washed the rugs oy they were filthy espically the kitchen rugs the water was brown in the washer cuz I checked.. Took me along time to get the rugs dried decent enough.. Then I washed our bedding stuff, then I made the bed after Hubbie and I flipped our matress, we need a new bed pretty bad the other side is falling apart and really lumpy.. It feels good to sit on the other side of the bed and in freshly washed sheets and blankets.. Then did what laundry I had to do so that way I'll be sort of ahead of the game this week..

I didnt clean at all yesterday I spent all day on my laptop and did basically nothing which is bad of me I know.I must have had a major depression and didnt know it or something I dunno.. So today was more my pick up day from not doing much...

Tomorrow we're due to be at my MIL's and oh how I hate going up there, and getting up at the crack of dawn which is at 7am and no later.. ugh! I cant stand that cuz I have to be up early on Weds to for J's Dr's appt at 9:30 am.. ugh!

So thats been nice.. Friday I went an hour and half to a town called Bakersfeild to see my BFF and get a break from the daily norm.. Then I got home around 6:30 and my sweet husband didnt do a damn thing to clean didnt make the bed nor did he clean the kitchen so I had that to do and put son down to bed, I was mentally exhausted.. Saturday was good, I dont recall much of what Sat was but the day went fast enough maybe slipped my mind? Hmm

So thats it here,facing another week and I'm posting early due to just wanting to I guess.. Easy to post now then later.. I'll forget it sometimes lol!

Well I do pray a wonderful week and a blessed time for the spring..

My 8th anniversary is coming up soon and hope to enjoy that soon in like 3 weeks Yahoo!

Love & Light

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring or Not?

Hello All

Well I am wondering if we're having spring or not..The weather has been great the past couple weeks and then boom its rain and a cold front the past couple days.. I am amazed how much cooler itts gotten, esp when when its supposed to be in the 70s this spring.. Altho I love the cooler and my allergies are on the major wonky mood and sneezing all the time..Ugh!

Today was good, went out got haircuts, went and got stuff from the store, then off to for dinner and now browsing online. So waiting on the show The Biggest Loser I love that show!

Not alot to report.. Snowed in the mountains over the weekend..I"ve been playing games and some I cant say what games but they are fun ! And addicting LOL.. Sort of personal games that I dont say I do..

Anyway have a great week and be blessed!

Love & Light

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A-Z Learning To Be Greatful.

A. Abundant Life
B. All things Beautiful
C. Christ died for us
D. Death has no victory
E. Everlasting life
F. Forever grateful
G. God is Good!
H. Healing
I. God is the I AM
J. Joy of the Lord
K. Kindness goes along ways
L. Love never fails
M. More to love!
N. Never give up
O. Open heart and mind
P. Prayer availed much!
Q. QUIET is wonderful
R. Restored
S. Silence
T. Trust in God
U. Understanding Nothing
V. Victory is the Lords
W. Wait up on God
X. Xerox
Y. Yahweh
Z. Zion

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Flying Weekend...

Hello All

Well this weekend has flown by me, and quite honestly I havent had the chance to update my blog here..We got our taxes back the federal ones,waiting on state.. I'm pretty sure all is good and well, we got a lap-top computer for $449 which is a great deal and works like a dream..Still learning it some.. Yesterday was nice,we did the usal banking and dealt with that, and then had a nice lunch at Hometown Buffett.. So good.. Yum! We were supposed to visit my MIL but things were hairy and couldnt.. Which I am glad for.. I hate going up the hill, boring!

Today we got a quick bite to eat once I cleaned the house up, it was soo messsy, then we grabbed lunch at Burger king, then hit the mall up for some stores, stopped at GameStopp for a game to price out, then last night I ordered 3 CD's 2 are Steve Greens' music.. He's such an awesome singer and just brings out alot of his music he selects or writes what a person can feel, I love that..

We went to small wearhouse store called Smart/Final good place to buy in bulk in food and other things that we need.. So now we're offical stocked up on stuff.. We did the big grocery shopping on Monday night...

This mornig is hallarious, my son Josh was totally nakid with no PJ's or a Pullup which shocked me and Hubby.. We were laughing our butts off,it was that funny... So got him dressed to eat and go out later today which we did..

Tomorrow I have laundry to do, and the general clean up of the kitchen.. I need or should mop the floor again in there and do the bathroom,oy! Keeping it under control !

Tonight we had orange chicken with white rice..So good, maybe later make some home-made cookies.. We're watching TV now, was watching the show called The Biggest Loser, I love reality shows now... I didnt think I would ya know.. Poor Hub falling asleep after along day,it should be Me that falls asleep LOL! Helpppp LOL!

Well thats caught up on some of my week.. Hope y'all are safe and enjoying what spring we're getting already.. Take care...

Love & Light

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Do I Have Paitence or Not?

Well Hello Friends

I know my weekly post but it does give me alot to think on and do for my weeks.. I am happy but frustrated to,but its over now so thats ok.. My AF arrived last night and so its full force today,blah! I showered, dressed after Hub left for work, and when I got out take along guess to what happend next.. My sweet kiddo marked my kitchen floor with a blue marker, oy it was amazing to see.. So I had to grab a shirt,and a bucket, mop and fill it with hot water, and grab some pure bleach and some other bleach with orange smell to it, and mopped that floor down after a quick sweep.. So I thank God the blue came up with hot water and bleach.. Whew! My lower back was killing me, ugh! But all is good now, sort of funny to think about it..

After mopping and dealing with that, I did some dishes, straightned my room, made the bed, I did clean son's room but its a lil messy now.. I vacuumed last night so thats clear for a few days.. I"m watching movies on TV and son wants cartoons but I'm not letting him have them today.. He already thew a tantrum earlier when Daddy was home.. He'll get a shower/bath tonight and then off to bed by 7:30ish hope befvore 8:00 because a new episode of Extreem Home Makeover will be on, and I want to watch it.. I love that show! Then off to relax in my room after that I hope! Son is eating dinner now, so I'll bath him around 6:00 or so and get him ready to go down... I"m waiting on the rain to start, we're getting more this week.. I still feel like I live in Oregon..LOL! Love it though!

Well so far thats today.. If more happens I"ll edit it in.. Hope you all are well and safe.. Much love!

Love & Light

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Semi-Lazy Day..

Hola All

Well today has been semi-busy.. At least getting things caught up before AF gets here, blech! I start this week some time so we'll see when.. Today has been semi-lazy.. I wish Hubby was here so I am in the back playing games and enjoying myself some with out having to be alone so much of the time.. Blah! Today I washed dishes, made beds, cleaned up, picked up; showered dressed then cleaned stove, swept/mopped kitchen and finally vacuumed and took out a bag of trash.. Whew, makes me tired to think I did all that !? Good Lord!

We are getting or maybe some rain, its mostly showers of rain but at least its wet out-side perfect for movies and game day hehe! More rain tomorrow to, but clear the rest of the week I think? Tomorrow we'll get Hubbie's check and then take it the useal the bank and cash then put it in our account.. Then grab lunch and a coffee and then maybe to Wal-Mart for some stuff I want then home.. Not to busy but if the rain is good and not bad we'll prob have a good time.. So I hope so!

So thats been my week just been busy and taking it an easy.. Doing normal life stuff LOL never ends! Hope y'all are well and stay safe!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day...

Hello Loved Ones

Happy Valentines Day.. I cant believe another Valentines day has come and almost gone by tonight.. I sure do wish it was a bit more often when you get love and cards and all the goodies that come with it.. My sweet Dh is at work, couldnt get today off, he already had time off, and we just didnt schedule it to be around V-day.. Thats ok, we still can celebrate just a bit late.. Tuesday his day off we'll celebrate and get candy and have a good time out n about..

Today though its quiet time at my house, at 5pm my son got into a wee bit of trouble and is laying down finally fell asleep.. So needless that gives me time to ship/shape the house and clean, course I cant vacuum till he wakes up but I can sweep the floors, and straighten things, doing laundry now due to more rain on the way in.. Oy! is all I got to say.. Just glad for the break so I can do some wash for the week.. I do hope to see my BFF this week if the weather holds ok, if not we'll push it back a week and see.. Hope not though but either way I get to see her..hehe!

So now just chilling, charging my play-station 3 remote control for a game I can play later once I catch myself up on house-work here.. Not that I mind the house-hold stuff it gives me some thing to do..

Well I pray you all are having a great day and safe out in this weather if your on the west coast.. I gotta tell you snow aint all that bad if your home and not in it LOL! Stay safe and keep the peace!

Love & Light

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Break In The Rain..

Hello Loved Ones

Well today we've gotten a break in the rain.. I am surprised that we gotten so much and due for more! Oy! I am one happy camper though.. I am bushed due from doing alot of laundry, I washed just about all of our bedding and got it cleaned, aired out the bed room now that Hub and I are finally well and over our colds mostly.. Feels great to wash and get it caught up.. I spend last night teasing my sweet Hubby and read a little bit of the book I'm into.. Posting on a private blog I have.. So needless its been busy..

This week supposed to bring more rain, and a short break on Tues.. I dont mind rain, altho its a challenge when you gotta go out and do stuff and its pouring, and if you have kids you'll know what I mean, esp when they are little 3 yrs old little..

So not much going on here, just settling in more.. Got some stuff tomorrow to do, and shop for a friends' Birthday then get some V-day cards mailed and thats about it.. Hope for some good relaxation time for me. I sure could use it! Little man is in bed, sleeping he's woken up a couple nights ago twice and finally settled, and catching up on sleep.. Which is good, I dont need a sick little man with a cold.. Done that already no need for more for awhile..

Well, I'm off to enjoy some time.. Hope you all have a great week ahead and keep the faith!

Love & Light,


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wonderful California Sunshine....

Hello Loved Ones

Well we've been getting alot of wonderful sunshine lately and yet due for rain at the end of the week.. I dont mind! This week has been busy and been recovering for Hubbie and I.. Hubbie got sick a week and half ago and I got sick last Sunday.. So needless we've both been recovering and finishing up the move from our old place to this one.. So now we are offically moved out of the old apartment.. I am glad and once the keys were turned in, whew, it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.. I ment to blog on Friday but just didnt get a chance to.. Been so busy and resting on top of any chance I get to rest..

We cleaned the old place and got it all set up for them to rent it out once they got it up to par meanig paint, and what else they had to do.. Mostly they spayed for bugs, and oy it was over 100 dead ones once they sprayed and I am still mortified that they sprayed and gotten that much of bugs but needless I am just glad to say I am sooo out of there!

Well, I know this isnt much of a post, but I didnt want to drop a week out of my mist here.. Plus its February! The love month.. hehe So happy new month of February and I'll see if I can post more.. See ya soon.. God Bless You..

Love & Light

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hello Loved Ones

Well as you can see the title of my post is rain.. We're finally getting alot of it.. WAHOO! I love it, but its a pain in the arse to deal with when you got a million and one things to do.. My DH has been sick the past 2 or 3 days now, he's called into work and cant make it, so I took him to the Dr yesterday and the Dr gave him antibiotics for what ever they think , but its either for strep throat or respitory infection I dunno.? So there's meds for 5 days worth.. He's eating better, so thats good,, but still cleaning up things and got stuff done..

Last night or yesterday I spent after getting our washer/dryer I spent hours catching up on the wash and getting it done.. Oy! Today I swept/mopped the floors and cleaned bleached things down, due to Dh sick and aired out the house some.. So hope things are going well.. I am thawing out bacon right now due to being sooo hungry and want some food.. We're both watching TV and relaxing now that the bulk of house-work is done for a few days.. Wahoo!

Well, I am loving the CA rain and minimul sun-shine, so nice to have a relaxing time doing much of nothing.. I cooked Italian chicken and white rice last night, I cooked Hamburger and mashed tators the other night DH helped me with that,but last nights meal I did it all my self, So I'm proud of myself.. :D

Well off to watch Titanic and relax I am sooo tired.. Hope y'alll have a great day!

Love & Light

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm Back Online....

Hello Loved Ones...

Well its been nearly a month since I posted, about 2 or 3 weeks.. Oy! Time has flown by with the move and on top of things, still trying to get things together from the move and un-pack and set a 2 yr goal for things also.. Hope to anyway.. The goal I wont share till there's much thought and prayer put to it.. So now just adjusting to a new place, and pricing out washers,dryers for laundry and what else, oh and move the remaining furniture into the new place..I'll take pics soon for those who want to see.. Still adjustg to a better place and such great space! Wow I feel spoiled alreedy and been here about a week now.. But I am definatly blessed beyond measure.. Christmas was great and so was the new year.. Altho been stressful in the move and knocked out with a cold and headaches from the stress and move plus cleaning, and tossing stuff out the door and try and finish up books I need to read..! Oy!

Well I wanted to come on and post something.. Might not be along one but its something hehe! My love to y'all...

Love & Light

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Hello Loved Ones!

Well here we are a New Year and a new start, wow and its more like here we go again feeling.. I gotta say 2008 was challenging, and forthcoming and blessed beyond measure.. Many of you who follow my post and blogs know what a year 2008 was.. Now we're embarking on a new chapter in life and hope for a great 2009 season.. A season of greatness and good things to come.. Also growth in God, and in each other, and also a few challenges and goals to be set this year.. I think we can do all of those things slowly as we emark on a great new adventure!

Here's my day from New Years Eve, and I"ll post soon after today but it probably wont be much but hey its something right? My DH let me get alot of neat things the past two days.. One being a new game for my PS3 Tomb Raider Underworld.. Such a great game! Then I got my web-cam for a good price if you call it that, but still a decent price and it works great! Yah! Then we got some things for the house.. I am so happy even though we are moving into a new place, I'll have to show pics soon.. I am one happy camper.. We bought new dishes, and pots/pans for good price, so I cant wait to use them..

So in my conclusion I pray for all of you to have a great 2009 and set challenges and goals for yourself and set out to meet them and make them happen..

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009!!

Love & Light
