Friday, May 30, 2008

The End of May...

Hello Friends

Well here we are at the end of May.. I am for one glad to see it go.. I know alot of people ask why well, besides Mothers Day, the month doesnt bring much joy but at least my walk in the Lord is more and getting there each day..

Please bear with me, I have a dull headache and had it since this early Am like around 2:00 on and even went to bed with it but took some thing to help but its not all helpful at the moment and took a 2nd dose of OTC (over the counter) meds.. They do bring some relief but alot of times, it takes the edge off for awhile..

Anyway back to to my post.. June is here and we'll be celebrating fathers day and many who have birthdays also which is me! My birthday is the 25th of June and oh so nice, even tho I hate summer hope each summer comes its mild and just wonderful.. Most summers here in the Central Valley are very hot, it goes from Bakersfeild to I believe Medesto or so, and its just HOT.. I hate it but at least we have A/C and are able to keep cool with a pool to.. My son hasnt learned to swim but he loves the water, espically bath time.. I took him swimming 2 weeks ago and he cried for about 5mins and then he got used to the big pool and wanted to swim.. So that was nice.. Even tho during the day it was over 100 outside..

So we're beginning to break into summer routine here and lazyness and that I dont have a car right now, makes things a lil difficult for me but that'll be remedied next year for sure.. So then I can do more activities with my son that stay home couped up from the summer heat and winter rain.. I am a winter person, I'd rather do stuff in the winter time than any thing, summer I get the depression due to the heat and just not much I find fun..

So hope everyone has a great summer and filled with busy bees even when the gas prices are over $4.33 here a gal, unbelieveable.. I sure wish the governmt would fix that and for everyone to have to pay regular price but thats a whole diff post than what I want to get into here.. So I pray everyone is safe and enjoys the summer time with loved ones..

Love & Light

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Interesting Week..

Hello All

Well,this has been a very long week I gotta admit.. Even though alot of the programs and shows are coming to season finale.. Lets see whats on the block for this week.. Well, we singed a new lease for 6 mo to give us some time and perspective on what to do and save some money to move.. Which in turn I doubt.. We had a very hot weekend last weekend, and it was in the 100's this weekend and whew, our A/C was wonky from not producing enough cool air.. So Monday we had that looked at, then fixed.. Today we got our 2 remaining plugs fixed and so now they work,yeah! Happy about that..

So thats been the bulk of my week.. My shoulder/neck pain is finally going down still there some but its slowing and its such a releif to have; been taking so much tyelnol and advil to move and do stuff.. Today tho I had to take allergy meds due to the high winds we got yesterday and today.. Well, I thought I'd post my useal posting of 1x a week,hehe.. Hope y'all are having a great time and staying cool or comfy while this weather is nice this weekend, my DH has 3 days off, so I dunno what we're gonna do with ourselves.. So my bday is coming up in a month and so I am soo excited, even though I'll be eh my 30's .. HELP! LOL

Well I gotta get some stuff done..Stay safe and cool,and hold your children close..

Love & Light


PS Pray for Steven Curtis Chapman and his family they lost thier youngest daughter yesterday.. If you have myspace, and have him on it, leave a commnet of prayer and support, thanks.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Summer Arrivals..

Hola All.

Well, now that Mothers Day has come and gone, and I gotta say I was blessed to be happy mom and not have to share my day with anyone, yes! Hehe.. For many thats a major accomplishment but gotta say it didnt suck.. DH made me a brunch and it was really good,waffles, bacon,and dunno what else? Then we went to browse stores and had a nice time, got me a choc/chip pretzel oh it was good! Then found a game I wanted, so bought that on Monday and a new wallet.. Sweet!

Then Mothers day night, DH made me a shrimp dinner oh so good! Garlic bread and salad and just plain good stuff! Chomped that down oh so good, then watched the movie Castle on TV then watched our Rented movies that we had and returned 2 movies and then rented 2 more.. So yesterday I returned those and got gas for DH and then just chilling did laundry, dishes, had alot to do since DH didnt do jack shit over the weekend cept cater to me and make good food, but cleaned nothing.. He did how-ever take out 2 bags of trash I was about to take out last night but didnt..

Then he gave me my MD card and it was shitty but it was worded nice but it was a truly aweful card.. Just hate it.. Even though my birthday is in a month, that doesnt make up for Mothers Day at all. Esp being my 1st where I dont have to share it.. He didnt even get our son Josh's card from him for mommy's day.. Oy! So I wasnt to pleased with him but oh well its over and done..

Lets see what else? Weather has been un-bearable , even tho only in the 80's and striking up in the 90's and SO not wanting summer to be here yet.. Wish it was cold and comfty for me to be in sweats and jeans even a tank top is nice to wear but man, I do not like the heated up summer months..

So thats been my week, been a little busy but today didnt do much but light stuff around the house, been tackling it one day at a time and played my new game tonight, its getting kind of cool to play to.. Nothing gory or anything its rated T for teens and kind of fun.. A nice break from the gory games I play hehe.. So now I am about to ward off and go read my book and sleep; I am pretty tired and way off my sleep schedule ugh..

Hope y'all have a fab week.. Much love!

Love & Light

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mothers Day..

Hello My Friends,

This is the time we celebrate Mothers Day this weekend.. As I look at this special holiday I find it hard to celebrate and yet I'm a mom myself, well since I got pregnant with my son,Joshua. Being a mom is every girl well almost every girls dream.. There are some women who dont want children, and for those who dont, I respect that, I mean our world is having times of hardship and some have other obligations but for those of who are mom's how do we take Mothers Day and find peace and in God's grace that we are blessed with our children. I dont care how many kids we all have we can have 1 to 100 and still we're all mom's.. I also say those of us who miscarried children are ours also, even tho they are not in our arms but in our hearts and in the arms of Jesus and loved ones to be there waiting to see us when we all get to Heaven..

I see Mothers day as a day to reflect on how I am a mom, and how can I improve on being a good mother to my children. Its not just a day for our kids to say Thanks Mom, or our husbands to praise us for carring our children in childbirth or if we adopted thats still raising children that are to grow and learn of the things in the world and for us to raise them in Godly principals or what ever belief you have..

Also for those of us who lost our mom's on Mothers day or any time in the year and we celebrate that with out them.. I tend to think of when Mohters Day comes around, that I often think of my mom and just wonder what life would be like if she were here and me married and have a son.. I am sure she'd be thrilled and spoil him rotten;) I often wonder how my relationship with my mom would be like now that I am married and a mom; I often think of maybe the conversations I would have or would love to have and learn things about myself as a young child of ages birth till I hit Kindy..

I often think of her and I know she's in spirit with me and even though my own emotions and anger get in the way of good times with my mom which were very few in between but the memories I have I so cherish and love..

So sit back and tell you mom alive or not that you love her and miss her and thank God for his grace to help us be parents.. Help us be mom's who we are created to be weather we stay home with our kids or we have to work and provide food and a roof over their heads.. Enjoy the day with your children and hold them ever so close..

Happy Mothers Day

Love & Light