Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Songs/Hymns History..

Hello Loved Ones..

Well you are probably wondering why I put songs/hymns on my blog, well tonight I believe the Lord had me tune into TBN tonight and hear and listen to the old old hymns I grew up singing, such as Amazing Grace, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, How Great Thou Art, Silent Night/Holy Night and I am sure there were many many more..

What amazes me is when I learn the history of those old songs and what comes to life in me today as it was not even as a child.. I grew up singing those hymns and it didnt hit me as it does now as an adult who's lived and done and been through alot in life.. Alot I cant share about but those who know me the "Real" me knows my struggles and the pain as well as our Lord and Savior.. What makes me want to cry hearing those songs and the history is the authors were just ordinary men or women in some cases wrote the words and for what, it wasnt in song yet, it was more into poems, sermons, just written about what they were going through in life, struggles, pain, despaire, and so much more.. Alot of them didnt journal or write things just so they can keep things private, they wrote to maybe help themselves but in the sense, they wanted to help others who might go down a difficult road ahead..

So lets taking the hymn what a friend we have in Jesus, that song so transpires us to want to be close to the Lord as we should and take every thing to God in prayer; every thing meaning our lives, jobs, children, finances, the world we live in today.. With the thigns of the world getting worse and not better, with gas prices going up every day and food rising with it, and yet our pay isnt going up there along with it.. People are scared and yet, what should we be doing? Praying and being and clinging to Jesus in these dark hours of what is going on in our world, in our lives..

Take Amazing Grace; think of the song as an autobigraphical of a man who perhaps didnt do what was right morally or spiritually, yet he made peace with God in his life knowing he'd live knowing God saved him by Grace, by the depts of life and even his own mom's prayers for him to enter the ministry, and later in life he did.. Now I call that an answer to prayer of a mom's heart..

So many I can write on,but the point is, when we learn things such as these old hymns they are alive today as the day they were written and composed to what we know today. So when you stop and think and listen to the words of the old old hymns think of how Great is our God to put ordinary men in life and even today, to write songs that maybe we cant convey the words but deep with in our spirits to sing praise to God..

Well, I hope you all are safe and are blessed by this post I know its not my useal post but thoguht I'd write some thing to encourage y'all.. Much love

Love & Light

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Wedding Anniversary..


Well, we just celebrated 7 yrs togther yesterday (Monday) and it was nice.. We both had a good day, mostly browsed stores, bought Christmas gifts already for some close freinds and family. Then we meant to go bowling but by the time we got there we couldnt go.. They had leagues going..BLAH

Sunday was nice but oh man I was exhasuted.. I fought sleep all day long and finally had to have chocolate and a coffee drink to wake my butt up.. Sunday we went up to drop my son J off, to grandmas for a 2 day visit. Then we visited for a few mins and then we left to get lunch hadnt eaten all day.. So we stopped a Jack N Box for lunch it was OK not the greatest.. Then we browsed stores then went to the movies saw movie 21 w/Kevin Spacey.. Good movie! WOW! Then we got home and I was exhausted and went to bed around 12:30ish?

So Mon got up late but it was ok I needed the sleep.. Then see 1st paragraph.. Then we rented a movie then came home and relaxed while I browsed the web and DH watching TV..

Today we got up sort of late but not really going to bed around 2:30 am.. OY! Then we got up around 11 AM then I showered, dressed, cleaned out the car, and did some dishes and then took DH to work, came back down to town, got the car washed , vacuumed out, then went to get gas, and got a coffee drink.. Drove up to pick up DS and then around 6pm started for home.. So now waiting to get DH from work and relax after that.. So we'll see.. Long day for sure!

Hope ya'll are good and well..

Love & Light

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Near Summer Weather..


Well, I am not sure if we're getting close to summer weather or not,honestly I hope not.. Today was nice, I was up b4 8 am w/my son patting mommy's arm and waking me up.. Altho DH has been up for 3 days w/him in the mornings so it was my turn.. So I was happy to oblige getting up and spending quality time with him watching noggin.. He was moody today and I hope it evens out by the time he's 3 yrs old, cuz every few months he's moody or happy.. This time around moody big time.. The last 2 nights we've battled going to bed and mommy had to take him back each time but he'd cry and hug me so cute but its night-night not up time.. Tots!

Today we went to Target, the mall to Bath N Body place, and then to the dollar tree then jamba juice to get me a strawberry drink oh so good,and we had a coffee drink at Target.. So it pretty much wired me the rest of the day.. For some reason I crashed yesterday (weds) and just didnt feel good at all.. So we'll see how I felt today cept for my legs hurting pretty bad and did 3.5 loads of wash on Tues but I dont think that was the problem as to why I am sore?

So thats been nice, it was up to 87 today here, hoped it would be only 73 or so.. No a lot warmer than that.. Should have put my son in shorts for it that warm! My 7th anniversary is Monday I guess looking fwd to it.. I honestly do not know what we're gonna do that day or what.. We might do bowling a dinner/movie and my son will be at grandmas from Sun night till Tues afternoon.. I pick him up, so due to me not trusting my mom in law to drive w/him at all.. I am valid in that and glad I am..

So thats about it here,just watched the movie Juno what a stupid movie about a girl who gets pregnant and finds adoptive parents and just blah and the music was worse.. Ugh! Hate that movie honestly.. I didnt want to watch a stupid movie, and tomorrow is Alvin and the chimpmonks for my son josh to watch so we'll watch that with him.. Hope its better we'll see..

Anyway wanted to post b4 I hit the sheets, I am starting to feel tired now; but thats ok, I hope my son wakes daddy up tomorrow and let mommy sleep in..

Love & Light

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Heat Heat Heat, So Not Ready....

Hola Loved Ones

Well, I am to say the last, so not ready for this heat, we were up to 93 degress here in the valley and whew I thought LA was bad, nope! LA was like in the mid 80s and not even close.. I gotta say though I am so not ready for summer, my stomach is already acting up from the heat and what-ever else I ate today.. I am pretty much exhausted right now, I drove down and back from my g/f's and its not a bad drive today was it was Friday, Friday I got held up 2x by traffic jams.. But we had a great time, we bowled, we hit the bed early, then she and I went to a scrapbooking store in LA and the guys went to take the 2 other kids to Krate (SP) and we met up w/them near back at the house... I had my coffee fix so I'm happy, heheh! Then we relaxed and chilled at the house and grabbed a movie for the kids to watch my son Josh had a great time, slept pretty well on a air-bed at the foot of the bed and slept all night long.. Then we were both up around 8ish am b4 9 am actually.. We left around 12:30 today to start back and I am glad we did though.. I am bushed.. We got back into the valley and it was 93 degrees! I am like WHOA! So not ready for this.. We had pizza for dinner and ice-cream and now I am so ready to hit the sheets I am that exhasusted.. But had a great weekend.. It was nice and relaxing besides the drives..

Well, hope y'all had a great time this weekend and been safe.. Much love

Love & Light

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Fun Weekend Ahead..

Hola Loved Ones
Well what a week or two actually.. The past two weeks have just blown me away on how fat they came and gone.. Altho this week was a little slow but not as bad as useal. I'll start our week out on Sunday.. Sunday was nice, we had a great day actually.. My anxiety had come to full blown that day and so my DH had given me some St. Johns Wort to help calm me down and once it kicked in I was ok.. We did major shopping on Sunday I wanted to go to Wal-Mart for some pants (blue jeans) and a tank top.. Found those and pick up a few things but went to Wallgreens for the rest of it,since we were in the same parking lot and had to get DH's blood preasure meds to.. So I picked up shampoo, shaving cream for me, diapers for DS.. Then I wanted to go out to the Christian book store and check out some cd's and I bought 2 cds one is Michael English Prodical Comes Home and the book his autobiography of his life , and a cd a friend of mine Carrie told me about is Aaron Shust.. So I bought that and got a prayer book for DH to see if he can grow in that area of his life as well as me. Then we left there and went to Bath and Body where I purchased my g/f Tangee's daughter's birthday gifts and stuck in a special surprise.. Her birthday is the end of this month, a few days after our anniversary.. Some how I got to remember that..

Then we started home, I was bushed and pretty tired and anxious so we came home, and then I left for some alone time to myself and dropped off the movies and went to the store for some beer, we drink Coors Light its the best beer cuz it dont make us hot but helps us sleep.. So then we watched our show Big Brother and had a nice time.. Monday we got up and I knew I was going to have to take him to work due to him only working 2 hrs so I dropped him off, went to down-town to pay court fees 2 more to go, yeah! Then I went to McD's for lunch with my son Joshua and had to eat, and wanted a coffee drink but didnt have time to grab one so we decided to go pick up DH who was off by then and then we got our coffee drinks and did some running around for a little while then came home relaxed watched tv and talked..
Tuesday was fine, didnt need to take DH to work due to I had enough here to do, laundry and cleaning up.. Which I did.. Then watched my show on TV The Biggest Looser.. Wenesday came and I didnt take DH to work, so I cleaned some and didnt do alot had alot of anxiety again so I paced myself some.. Watched Ghost Hunters that was really good and watched Big Brother.. So now that comes to today. Today we got up around 9-10 am and the maintance had to fix my shower it went wonky on me yesterday and warned DH about it.. Then showered, dressed, took off to the dollar tree for some things and Walgreens then home to finish a quick load of wash and wash my new pants I got on Sunday.. I going to recheck our bag and make sure I got every thing,and put together the smaller bag in the morning to be sure thats all done, is half way done.. I'll load what I can tonight and in the AM we'll finish the rest of the loading..

So thats my week,I'll be out of town for 2 days, and will be back Sunday night some time not late but not early either.. So anyway hope y'all have a great week and weekend..Stay safe and in the Lords Arms.. Muah!

Love & Light
PS. As you can see I like Harry Potter! He he!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Month..

Hola All

Well, here we are a new month already.. Wow! March went so slow, I guess due to 31 days and this month I believe has 31 days also.. Yup it does;) Our 7th anniversary is this month on the 21st, man 7 yrs ago I can remember my wedding exactly as it happened; and the snow the night before; what a time of my life, to find freedom and privacy! To my friends who know whats that is like to have some thing of your own to call your own, you'll know for sure..

This week just went right under my feet.. Its Thursday already and I am going huh already?! I am amazed how fast this week had gone.. I just did some laundry, went to get soda for this weekend, and I so wanted a coffee drink :( I'll get one soon though.. I ate a bite to eat, and just now folded laundry for the next few days, mostly towels I had to do, now just need to vacuum and do a light load of dishes.. My son J is watching Noggin on TV enjoying himself..

There's been alot of high emotions this week I Think its due to being on my period and Pmsing big time.. Mostly glad that its over now though and can look forward to seeing my g/f soon in 1 week, yeah! So happy about it, I can shout.. Havent seen her since Christmas.. So thats been about it here.. Just pray that I can keep loving my mother in law spite of her stupid comments she's been making lately makes me want to strangle her so bad.. I hate the fact that she can sit there and make comments and not know me at all.. I am my son's mother and she raised 2 kids already, so get over it, I am raising my son as I see fit.. Its hard to have family not interfier with life but yet they cant keep their mouth shut for long enough to confide in them.. Most families are like that though they all got to blab and open thier mouths to keep the world turning.. Well forget that in time for me..

The weather here is great, 72-75 degress and spring.. Even though my allegies have been bad, its been a good week with that. Just battled a headache the past 24 hrs.. UGH! Well, I am thinking of going and taking a quick nap before it gets to much later.. Hope all is well with everyone..

Love & Light