Thursday, July 23, 2009

Month of July

Greetings All,

Well july is going fairly fast than expected. We zoomed through July 4th, our Independance day with somewhat flying colors, altho, seemed to be fair temps for those who were outside enjoying the day outdoors among so many who enjoy fireworks.. Now some might say why wasnt I and our son out,well simple I hate the heat! So we listned to the fireworks boom in the air nearby schools/churches, so cool maybe next year we'll go who knows?

This past week has been rough, the 11th anniversary of my dad's passing into glory of heavan, sort of hard to forget the whole day and how it all spelled out that day... But got through this week as best I can..

Our a/c went nutso yesterday, and didnt produce as much, so we turned it off with only 75 degrees outside to let the a/c have a break altho we were miserable all day yesterday.. Today much better as far as cool and temps so far are decent, am pretty sure we'll get through the trippple digets...

School will begin for our son J soon, next month, oy so not ready for that! But also l know he'll learn far more and make hope solid friends for life... So need to purchase shorts and some shirts for the start of the school year due to the extreem heat.. This will be an interesting phase of life...

So not much going on here, just trying to stay out of the heat, and enjoy the indoors a bit more.. I'll be glad when fall comes I can wear jeans and tanks along with my flip-flops and be super comfy.. Hate shorts and yet the only thing that is to wear in the summer..Hm..

Well, I know its been awhile since I've posted, hope to keep it going.. Talk soon!

Love & Light
