Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Getting Along Somewhat...

Well its been a few days since I've written.. Things are making due as you can see from my tital of the blog.. Lately all I've done is clean.. I took out garbage, and cleaned kitchen and floors, vacummed and still have some ways to go.. I've also been reading my book Harry Potter and enjoying it emensely! I cant get enough and definatly cant wait for the movie to come out so I can see it after reading the book.. I have to say; reading the book has definatly made more sense than the movies do.. So I am going to order the other books, I need to sit and read the other book I have on Harry Potter and thats the Goblet of Fire, my all time so far favorite movie of the series.. I hope to enjoy this movie as well when it comes out, I so wanted to see it in the theater but we've had no money or time to go:( Which is sad cuz I havent been to the movies since I think my anniversary.. Things are tough, I'll have to really write and elaborate on that, but just keep us in prayer.. Dh had to work this past week 6 days and 6days this week again.. I am not happy..

I went to Target today and got some things we needed and I might have to run to the dollar tree or some place and pick up some juice for son.. Who btw hasnt slept very well the past 2 nights.. He crashed 2x for naps today and I was relieved that he did.. So he's in bed for the night, hope he'll sleep better and feel better tomorrow..He's having a rough time and he'll be turning 2 soon in October..I know some ask are we going to have more kids,yes we're TTCing now as it is.. Just taking our time at it.. Which is fine by me really I do miss being pregnant but I loath the fact that I may have to do another C-section and revoery wont be so happy plus I dont know what the weather will be like when the due time is by the 2nd child so that all comes into play also.. J might be 3yrs or close by the time his sibling is born.. So I dont mind though.. I am ok with them being 3 to 3.5yrs apart that'll make it easier in the end and in High school in 13 yrs..

Well, just thought I'd drop a line and say Hi ! and hope y'all are well.. God bless and God speed.

Love & Light


Anonymous said...

im happy things are going somewhat well for you my mc. i've been keeping you & bro in prayer when God sees the time is right to have the other baby & im just all around praying for y'all around too. i love y'all so very much!! may God continue to bless & yours! xoxoxo