Well, what a day.. I've done nothing but sit around and wait for my g/f to come by or to text me to say we're gonna have lunch. Does that happen NO! I text her 2x and waited all day to hear from her and stiill no text message and its 9pm.. To late to do much now.. I am not sure if she was going to go back home or up for the day here or what.. So now I'm clueless.. I am sick and tired of her saying she promised me that she'd see me and dont.. This is the 3rd or 4th time she's done this since she moved.. I dont like to hang around not knowing whats going on in life.. I am tired and I got dishes to do and I want to finsih my book and order more, and then I got 3 more books in the mail that look good but I want more Harry Potter books.. So I might order more as I go along and want some for Christmas.. Which is in a few months from now, eek!
I dont know I need more friends,but I'm scared to death to open up to any more real life freinds and not be judged for what I do.. I am sick of not having friends and sick of being bored out of my mind.. I know in a few years that'll change and things will get better, but thats still not right now, I need it now,not then.. I know God knows I need people who arent going to leave me out of the loop and use me when they feel like it.. I need some one who's a true Christian and will abide what they say and do what they say.. Its just frustrating about it.. O well I guess thats my life right now.. DH and I are going around in circles in life and its getting real annoying and he's been a pain in my ass for 6yrs and I doubt he'll change unless God hits him in the head w/a 2x4 board.. I feel I am barking up a tree and blue in the face.. Its getting old thats for sure.. Anyway just needed to vent.. Now I can go read.. :)
Love & Light
Love & Light
My dear MC im so sorry you got skunked by that lady again. i wish i was near you or you near me so we could do things.. because indeed i would. im still praying for things to get better for you & bro. im happy you can vent out your feelings & life also to the Lord who hears us & our groanings. im also happy your getting more books, how cool is that!! well, i hope to run into you soon on here or something.. i love ya so much!! xoxoxo God bless always!!
Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wikileaks? What do you think about it?
By the way, anybody home?!
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