Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Songs/Hymns History..

Hello Loved Ones..

Well you are probably wondering why I put songs/hymns on my blog, well tonight I believe the Lord had me tune into TBN tonight and hear and listen to the old old hymns I grew up singing, such as Amazing Grace, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, How Great Thou Art, Silent Night/Holy Night and I am sure there were many many more..

What amazes me is when I learn the history of those old songs and what comes to life in me today as it was not even as a child.. I grew up singing those hymns and it didnt hit me as it does now as an adult who's lived and done and been through alot in life.. Alot I cant share about but those who know me the "Real" me knows my struggles and the pain as well as our Lord and Savior.. What makes me want to cry hearing those songs and the history is the authors were just ordinary men or women in some cases wrote the words and for what, it wasnt in song yet, it was more into poems, sermons, just written about what they were going through in life, struggles, pain, despaire, and so much more.. Alot of them didnt journal or write things just so they can keep things private, they wrote to maybe help themselves but in the sense, they wanted to help others who might go down a difficult road ahead..

So lets taking the hymn what a friend we have in Jesus, that song so transpires us to want to be close to the Lord as we should and take every thing to God in prayer; every thing meaning our lives, jobs, children, finances, the world we live in today.. With the thigns of the world getting worse and not better, with gas prices going up every day and food rising with it, and yet our pay isnt going up there along with it.. People are scared and yet, what should we be doing? Praying and being and clinging to Jesus in these dark hours of what is going on in our world, in our lives..

Take Amazing Grace; think of the song as an autobigraphical of a man who perhaps didnt do what was right morally or spiritually, yet he made peace with God in his life knowing he'd live knowing God saved him by Grace, by the depts of life and even his own mom's prayers for him to enter the ministry, and later in life he did.. Now I call that an answer to prayer of a mom's heart..

So many I can write on,but the point is, when we learn things such as these old hymns they are alive today as the day they were written and composed to what we know today. So when you stop and think and listen to the words of the old old hymns think of how Great is our God to put ordinary men in life and even today, to write songs that maybe we cant convey the words but deep with in our spirits to sing praise to God..

Well, I hope you all are safe and are blessed by this post I know its not my useal post but thoguht I'd write some thing to encourage y'all.. Much love

Love & Light


Tangee said...

Oh, hon, I needed to read this today. Thank you for the encouraging words and a reminder to relect on these songs. Amazing Grace is a personal favorite of mine. I LOVE that one.

Anonymous said...

WOW! MC- that's a beautiful post.. i grew up with some of those songs too.. it's fasinating to know the history of those songs. life isn't easy or ever has been since the fall.. but it's awesome to see those songs that mention like "what a friend we have in Jesus" do put our focus on what He has planned for us. im happy you posted about learning the history. i love it! i love ya too MC! xoxo God bless you always!!