Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Fun Weekend Ahead..

Hola Loved Ones
Well what a week or two actually.. The past two weeks have just blown me away on how fat they came and gone.. Altho this week was a little slow but not as bad as useal. I'll start our week out on Sunday.. Sunday was nice, we had a great day actually.. My anxiety had come to full blown that day and so my DH had given me some St. Johns Wort to help calm me down and once it kicked in I was ok.. We did major shopping on Sunday I wanted to go to Wal-Mart for some pants (blue jeans) and a tank top.. Found those and pick up a few things but went to Wallgreens for the rest of it,since we were in the same parking lot and had to get DH's blood preasure meds to.. So I picked up shampoo, shaving cream for me, diapers for DS.. Then I wanted to go out to the Christian book store and check out some cd's and I bought 2 cds one is Michael English Prodical Comes Home and the book his autobiography of his life , and a cd a friend of mine Carrie told me about is Aaron Shust.. So I bought that and got a prayer book for DH to see if he can grow in that area of his life as well as me. Then we left there and went to Bath and Body where I purchased my g/f Tangee's daughter's birthday gifts and stuck in a special surprise.. Her birthday is the end of this month, a few days after our anniversary.. Some how I got to remember that..

Then we started home, I was bushed and pretty tired and anxious so we came home, and then I left for some alone time to myself and dropped off the movies and went to the store for some beer, we drink Coors Light its the best beer cuz it dont make us hot but helps us sleep.. So then we watched our show Big Brother and had a nice time.. Monday we got up and I knew I was going to have to take him to work due to him only working 2 hrs so I dropped him off, went to down-town to pay court fees 2 more to go, yeah! Then I went to McD's for lunch with my son Joshua and had to eat, and wanted a coffee drink but didnt have time to grab one so we decided to go pick up DH who was off by then and then we got our coffee drinks and did some running around for a little while then came home relaxed watched tv and talked..
Tuesday was fine, didnt need to take DH to work due to I had enough here to do, laundry and cleaning up.. Which I did.. Then watched my show on TV The Biggest Looser.. Wenesday came and I didnt take DH to work, so I cleaned some and didnt do alot had alot of anxiety again so I paced myself some.. Watched Ghost Hunters that was really good and watched Big Brother.. So now that comes to today. Today we got up around 9-10 am and the maintance had to fix my shower it went wonky on me yesterday and warned DH about it.. Then showered, dressed, took off to the dollar tree for some things and Walgreens then home to finish a quick load of wash and wash my new pants I got on Sunday.. I going to recheck our bag and make sure I got every thing,and put together the smaller bag in the morning to be sure thats all done, is half way done.. I'll load what I can tonight and in the AM we'll finish the rest of the loading..

So thats my week,I'll be out of town for 2 days, and will be back Sunday night some time not late but not early either.. So anyway hope y'all have a great week and weekend..Stay safe and in the Lords Arms.. Muah!

Love & Light
PS. As you can see I like Harry Potter! He he!