Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Hola All


Well with that as my first start of today, thought I'd post a little bit and then edit later if I can.. Today started out with a well intended heart for celebrating the Lord's Ressurection.. So I get up at 8 AM and half the night didnt sleep a wink tossed/turned half of it so I am very exhausted right now.. But never the less I am here posting.. So I get up head to the shower, and start my day , dress, do all the good stuff, get DH up and then begin to find a way around and go get gas for the car, a card for Grandpa and breakfast for us.. Since DS has eaten he's good to go.. So I barely get back b4 my MIL gets here and I'm rushing to eat, and get the last min stuff together, and then havaing to run back into the house to grab DS's cup and other little things and rush back out the door, and drive to Visalia.. So we get there, and course DS started screaming cuz he's not been in GGrandpas place but loves GUncle Rick's place.. Same format but flipped coursee I like the setup better at Rick's place than any other place, such a great place to.. The colors in their place is wonderful and so soothing.. I hope to find colors like that for my future home in 2 yrs or so... I pray! So we all did an Easter Egg hunt for DS who had a enourmous time then we ate lunch/dinner and all relaxed and visited awhile. Thats where, Uncle Rick and I had a very deep conversation.. It was helpful and a light turned on a few times.. So we had fun and swapped Emails to! Yes! Then we did the big birthday cake for Grandpa and gifts, we left around 7:30-8:00 and got home shortly after 9:00 pm.. I am bushed and ready for some rest.. So thats my day and pray y'all had a wonderful day.. And celebrated the Lords ressurection with freinds/family ..


Love & Light


Anonymous said...

He is Risen indeed!
i so much love our talks MC! They bring me so much light! im so thankful you had that talk with the Uncle who gave you such wonderful words of wisdom to take home & to even share ;)
i love my MC!!
yours forever-

Tangee said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful day, that is awesome, love ya, girlie.