Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Hello Freinds

Today is good Friday, we know what this means in the Christian world and what it holds for us as people who follow the Lord Jesus Christ.. Today was when he was cruxified and died for all sins of the wold.. Imagine the sins of the world? Who can hold such promise of freedom and life eternal? I sure cant, but yet our Lord knew he had to battle his human nature and what Father God wanted.. We know he battled that he didnt want to die, he wanted the cup passed from him to live but yet he surrendered total and completly now to me that was just the main battle, it wasnt hanaging on a cross to die, the true battle was surrendering totally to Father God's will and to die for all man kind.. Imgine trying to do what you would like to do but knowing God wanted it done a certain way.. Total surrender is what we must learn even in the darkest hour of our lives to give to Father God in total submission.. I know its hard to do but we must look to Jesus who had to battle his own emotions his own will to want to live but at the same time he's God to, so he had to for it was from the beginning of time that he'd come to die for all man kind so we can have that precious relationship with him for all eternity.. I do pray that when you look at your circumstances and your life that no matter what we would do what Jeuss did "Not my will, but your will Lord" let it be our prayer that we say that in all we do. . Amen?

Remember as we embark on Easter Sunday that we celebrate Jesus's life and his glorious ressrection that we must know and have faith that he's no longer dead but has RISEN.. Conqured the grave and death and freed old saints and new to come from Satan's grasp and find liberty and love, compassion and most of all, eternal life..


Love & Light


Tangee said...

Amen and a Hallelujah behind that. Awesome and oh so true. Happy Good Friday, sister.

Anonymous said...

CHRIST indeed is Risen!
im so thankful for just how perfect God's will is.. to think Jesus thought of us way before the Earth was even formed.. blows me away! Amazing huh!
To know He indeed felt so many emotions and He put us before Himself when He took that cross.. Thank You Jesus!!
May you have a blessed Easter MC! i love you so very much!