I thought this picture would fit into how I feel and knowing Jesus is there holding me and our family in a way that only he can do.. So take heed that this picture isnt just for me but for those of you as well.:)
I want to learn basic spanish some how.. Anyway life is being adjusted very much so.. The past couple days I've had nothing but headaches and stress.. All in all things are going to calm down and keep focus on the Lord, is all we can do.. I am happy to say that my Dh worked this morning even though he's crashed right now, and was home with us this afternoon.. I went to get us some free movies (free rentals from Blockbuster) we get the movies online and you can return them for free rents.. I am so desprately trying to cut down on the dollar going out and keeping it in as much as possible.. That is taking some work.. But all in all, life is ok.. My g/f and I talked the past few hours and O I miss our coffeee nights so bad.. She and I talked about money matters and she knew that we were struggling, and so desparately needing some answers.. She and I discussed getting my wee-one ready for pre-school in the fall so this week, I will be looking into that, and I want to look into some free stuff I can with my son while trying to get pregnant with baby 2.. I know some might say well, with all the finanical stuff why try and raise another child ? Well to be honest its my way of trusting in God to pull through and to keep helping us stay afloat.. I know most dont understand that and thats ok.. No one needs to understand..
So tonight has been basically snacking and enjoying each others company.. My son went to bed pretty good tonight due to no nap today, he was to wired up to sleep.. So hope tomorrow we'll get him on a schedule again.. I am trying some thing new with his bed time routine and so far it seems to be working..
There's alot to think about and take care of around here, but all in all, I want things to be clutter free not just my home but in my mind to.. To much thinking can do some damage if you let it, by giving you headaches and stress instead of falling on our face and ask God to take it all from us and to handle it.. Which is where we are at this point in our life.. We'll be celebrating 7yrs in April together and I hope and pray we can keep it together so we wont go down a dark path in life like I havent been on a dark path since I was born.. Life should be sun-shine and love and grace from above..
For one I am grateful to have my son.. Many times I was told I couldnt have children.. Well, God prooved that to me he can do all things if we keep the faith and do our best to walk in his grace.. I have seen his grace over and over again in life, esp since I got saved.. So I just need to find that place in my life to keep being devoted to him and him alone..
I am greatful for those whom I have friends and you know who you are.. You mean alot to me and I thank God each day for that.. Y'all are blessing from above and grace and mercy each day I get to talk to you or see you.. That keeps my world going to know that God uses friends to keep us ticking and focused on what the task we need at hand each day.. To lift us up when we need it and rebuke us when we need it.. So thank you ...
Well, its 1:00 am and I am tired, I need to see if I can get Dh in the shower and bed time.. We're both tired mentally and just needed much rest.. Tomorrow is another day and I am glad for it due to Gods mercy is new each morning..
Love & Light
Love & Light
AMEN MOMMA CAT!! Wow! What a picture!! Indeed that is what it feels like to have Jesus hold you in the only way He can.. WOW!! i really really like that!! im thankful things are calming down some.. & you feel better also. Indeed God is working in your lives other wise you wouldn't be saying so.. i know you too well ;) i keep on praying for y'all because y'all mean so much to me indeed. i love y'all very much too & thank you for you too always & forever!! xoxoxoxoxo talk to you soon im sure :)
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