Well another week ahead of us.. Lucky that DH goes back to work tomorrow and so DS and I can start back to schedule again just the 2 of us.. Tomorrow the bug people are going to spray our place and the ones around us.. I am so sick of bugs and I pray this works! They should have done that 6months ago.. So tomorrow we'll be out of the house for 4 hrs and then come home and start putting the place back together.. Its a mess right now due to stuff out of our kitchen and hallway and we have to open the doors and let them spray and then I got to come home after 4 hrs and open the windows and door for about 30 mins to air it out and then we can start back in and start putting things back in the cabnets and hallway..
Well we celebrated my Mother In Law's birthday yesterday ( her bday was today) and so we went to this place calle Colorado Grill we have one up the street,and forgot about it, and so we went to the one out on Herndon/Blackstone.. Then we went to the pumpkin patch and then home to celebrate and her open gifts and have cake/ice cream and then they left for the night, and I got DS down for bed and we relaxed and I went to get us some movies and I got 3 movies.. One is called We are Marshels, Georgia Rule, and Reign Over me w/Adam Sandler.. Good movies except Georgia Rule that was a hard movie for me to watch for those who's seen it you'll know why.. We went to bed and then got up a few mins b4 10 AM and been sort of on the go since.. Mom in law and Sis in law stopped by real quick and gave us some bug bombs but we're not gonna use them just yet.. We need to clean out our room first and then set them off.. Spray for now and see if that helps..
Well we celebrated my Mother In Law's birthday yesterday ( her bday was today) and so we went to this place calle Colorado Grill we have one up the street,and forgot about it, and so we went to the one out on Herndon/Blackstone.. Then we went to the pumpkin patch and then home to celebrate and her open gifts and have cake/ice cream and then they left for the night, and I got DS down for bed and we relaxed and I went to get us some movies and I got 3 movies.. One is called We are Marshels, Georgia Rule, and Reign Over me w/Adam Sandler.. Good movies except Georgia Rule that was a hard movie for me to watch for those who's seen it you'll know why.. We went to bed and then got up a few mins b4 10 AM and been sort of on the go since.. Mom in law and Sis in law stopped by real quick and gave us some bug bombs but we're not gonna use them just yet.. We need to clean out our room first and then set them off.. Spray for now and see if that helps..
So then I laid down after battling DS over his nap time and he finally went down around 3:30pm and slept awhile.. I got him down around 11pm tonight after 3x of going back to bed, that will take a bit to get used to for him and us.. So far going ok.. Then I went to lay down around 4:30 woke up around 6pm and slept weird had 2 weird dreams and then went to get us some pizza for dinner and for tomorrow to.. Due to all the cleaning and putting things away will take time.. So hope tomorrow we'll get some of this stuff put up and dealt with.. I wanted to go out today but since we have to head out tomorrow no biggy.. Anyway thats been the last 2 days or so.. More tomorrow to come.. Ugh! I swear all of this stuff makes me want to scream!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! O well such as life.. Time to close up..God bless'G'night
Love & Light
such as life indeed! WOW mc you had a lot of things to do & did!
i like the new pictures you put on your blog.
i'll pray you have peace soon mc! i love ya and all there!!
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