Well this week has been long to say the least.. I am glad its over, at least its Friday, yah! Well today I got up and woke up kind of fast due to needing to do a few things and get caught up with house work due to my period I dont do much on real heavy days.. So I did 2 loads of laundry and folded those, put the towels in the basket to wash tomorrow, and packed DS's bag for next week staying at Grandma's place for 3 days.. I need a break from my kid.. Then took a nice bath/shower shaved my legs and such, washed up , my period is almost over thank God.. Dressed and relaxed fed son lunch, and let him play a while, he watched a movie I laid down for an hour & half to rest then got dinner for DS ready and he ate while I did dishes, so now they are done, did them in 30 min intervolts.. So now waiting on DH to get home so we can start our vacation.. This will be nice.. We want to do dinner and a movie but no movie I am interested in playing.. I ate the last 2 corn dogs and now I am hungry for some dinner.. Worked off lunch LOL! All I need to do now is pack J's toys and get them ready. Got his cloths laid out for tomorrow so we can go out get 2 hair cuts, one for J and one for DH.. Wash and clean out my car its a mess and get gas for it fill it mostly for Sunday , and go to Walmart and shopp for J's birthday gifts for him, that will be fun.. I am looking fwd to that.. My son will be 2 yrs old on Sunday man dont time fly.. I am continusly amazed how fast the time does go.. Lets see what else? I guess thats it.. We'll be up in Oakhurst on Sunday around 10-:30 -11am and pick up my son's birth day cake and just have alot of fun and relaxing.. Hope my period will be done by then it should be due to the fact I started this past week ( Sunday) Well thats all I can think of for now.. I will prob post tomorrow and after J's party to put up pics if I can.. Hope all is well with loved ones..
Love & Light
Love & Light
WOW! you did a lot this week no doubt mc!! im happy you get a break soon just.. to chill for a while would be good for u. i still can't believe that J is almost 2.. sheesh!! im happy he is such a beautiful healthy baby boy!! ;) i love y'all xoxoxo God bless u all too!!
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