Well its not the 4th of July but its a starts in blue/white/red that symbolize our country in the memorial of 9/11 of 2001..I recall that day so vividly I was nearly married 6months when this happened.. Thankfully I wasnt pregnant yet.. So as we remember how and the day our lives were changed in such a drasic way and for those whom have lost loved ones in the twin towers and in the planes we must not forget that they died to save this country in the flight 93 who knew they were facing death if they couldnt pull the plane up in time.. I think if our Nation's capitol was a target then it would have been a by far darker day than it was.. Our icons were targeted and next could be what our schools? Our big corporations? Things that cause the very heart of America and those who wish to see America taken down from its petistole and not of very high power,but that will not happen as long as God is on the throne,but I know this nation needs to repent of alot of things as to any other country who stands..
On a lighter note, life here is good. Just taking things one day at a time and relying on God as many Americans do to keep thier faith in him and on him alone.. We all know how God provides our needs according to his riches in glory.. So we must take hold of that promise and see it fulfilled in daily task and lives.. :) I am just glad that things are slowly turning to good and that things will eventually pan out even .. Just gonna take a few months.. I hope not that long but hey cant compline right?! Well thats about it here..Just chilling out and loving the weather.. God bless y'all...
Love & Light
Hello my MC! No doubt, i shall never forget 9/11 myself.. nor let anyone around me forget.. it's vital we remember that day and days like that in our US history & remember that because of people like the victims & troops of all wars are not forgotten.
i love ya so much my MC! xoxo God bless y'all too!!
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