Friday, June 13, 2008


Hello Friends...

Well, many of you might say what in the world is Discombobulated? Well thats a word I learned a long time ago, in a musical that I was in for school.. I dont re-call the words to the song,but its about sums up life right now..

We had to re-take every thing out and tonight in the process of putting back the stuff once again!. I am so tired and been not feeling to hot and dealing with pest control once again, and most weren't ready for pest control due to they didnt care,but for those of us who had bugs/pest were annoyed to have our homes up-side down for the most part.. Had to move ALL of the furniture and so forth,not fun.. Tonight we moved a few peices around and re-doing stuff as we go.. I still have the bathroom to finish and then I can go to bed... I am again very tired.. Last night I went to bed oh, around 2-3 am.. Woke up around 5-6am and had a heck of a time going back to sleep.. UGH..

So we're about on Fathers Day and my husband has the day off, but his work schedule is off a lil bit to, so we'll all have to adjust to certain days off till he gets back to his normal schedule.. So we'll see.. My Birthday is soon here, and I so cant wait..I got some of my b-day gifts so I'll share with you some of those.. Lets see what else? Not much going on here.. Just enjoying myself what I can; and just dealing with the heat, and just about to hit over 100 outside,oy! I am so not ready for summer but thats ok.. I can do this..:)

Well,hope you all are well and happy.. I gotta go tackle that bathroom b4 I cant and fall asleep.. Be blessed !

Love & Light


Anonymous said...

now that's a word.. DISCOMBOULATED
i think i ate that one time.. or digisted it..
i hope your able to get the rest you need no doubt mc.
i like re-doing furniture because i find joy in it.. for some reason.
on the heat there i don't think i could handle a 100.. SHEESH!
on your birthday!! Sweet! i'll have to send you your things soon won't i :)
gotta jet for now, i love ya MC! soon to be birthday girl!!