Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Birthday Girl !!!!!

Well as you can see its my Birthday June 25, 2008 and I'm 33 yrs old... Think about it, I mean when I was born I wasnt supposed to be here or be alive becuase of so many factors and; yet God made the way and His grace alone is what stands out in life and the battle I had to endure as a baby..

Well I am spending the day with my Son and Husband, who are the light of my life due to the joy of being able to have family who actually cares its my Birthday and that they want to celebrate with me.. My one G/F is 3.5hrs away from me and I would love to spend my B-Day with her family as well as mine.. I know for sure one of these summers we will..

Tomorrow Hubbie will take me out to lunch/dinner and then find some cute gifts for me to buy..hehe! I cant wait.. I'm so happy I can shout! Altho I gotten some Birthday stuff already but there's still a couple things I want.. So one is a lil expensive and the other isnt.. So we'll see..

So we'll see how my day goes.. Just glad to be here and w/my family.. So if you read this blog plze drop a hint ok..:)

Love & Light

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Intersting Week..

Hello Friends

Well this is gonna be an interesting blog post; only due to alot going on this week and alot of high stress from today to say the least.. I cant stand to not post to much info but not many who have my blog and nor read much of it.. So thats ok,I took it off of one site so its a bit more private..

Fathers Day was nice; even though at first I was in a foul mood but got over that pretty quick, and hubster was like why are you so grumpy and I"m gong I DONT KNOW! Anyway we got to his mom's and low behold not alot of ppl were there yet,so that was nice, we got there, and I ran down to get some Pepsi they serve water,or diet soda, I hate diets cept for 7 up or Diet Coke.. Gotta e cold tho! Some times diet A&W is good to.. But I was more into Pepsi, and so I did that and came back and more folks had arrived, so we went and did that, and relaxed some.. Not many talked to us me or Hubbie so we were quiet bored to death. Dinner was served around 4 or 5pm was orginally to set around 2:30ish but started wayyy late. Ugh!

Then we got home around 10pm and put my son to beddy bye and he went down ok.. Then we watched 2 movies, one is American Gangster and the other The List.. Both were pretty good movies.. I returned them on Monday..

So Monday comes along and I have to pay the final court fees ,YES! So I go down, we had a good time, Dh had to work, so I was alone most of the day.. Which was fine, and ran errands, sent off packages, and the like ya know life..

Then finally got home put son down to nap, due to the heat, and I needed a breather, my g/f and I texting back and forth my angel.. So then we left to get daddy and come home put Ds back to bed and we're eating for the night and pure exhaustion.

Then this week has been wonky due to diff days that DH is working.. So I am like confused on what day of the week it is now.. Going what day is it?! I'm totally lost hehe!

So I've been home on/off this week and been pretty happy, just needed to get some stuff done, ya know around the house, did laundry, DH does dishes, and we both vacauum.. So now its close to Friday.. Amazing that its amost Friday feels like Friday and not Thursday..? Strange week I'm having... I went to the bank this AM to put some money in it, and then we called our attorney to find out what they called about,and to come to find out, they couldnt get ahold of some certificates that we had, and in the long run we're not gotta dish out $500 to file 2 lil certificates, I was sooo angry I about think I popped a gasget.. DH wasnt happy but in all honesty its not our fault it was the damn web-site that we were told to go to, the classes and they didnt do their damn job.. I told our lawyer to,and she totally understood and knew ya know how we felt and all.. I had a couple high bills this week so its taking some money.. Well now we're gonna be tight for about 3 months to get re-adjusted to the dishing out this $500 I am still peeved..

Anyway just a note of life, some times God throws things at us to see how we're gonna react.. Yes I am angry but I gotta let it go and let him keep the control of things and just keep it in his hands.. Hard to do and easy to say.. But I know he knows this and is forever paitent with us to learn this valuable lesson.. So just know all things work together for our good, Romans 8:28

Love & Light

Friday, June 13, 2008


Hello Friends...

Well, many of you might say what in the world is Discombobulated? Well thats a word I learned a long time ago, in a musical that I was in for school.. I dont re-call the words to the song,but its about sums up life right now..

We had to re-take every thing out and tonight in the process of putting back the stuff once again!. I am so tired and been not feeling to hot and dealing with pest control once again, and most weren't ready for pest control due to they didnt care,but for those of us who had bugs/pest were annoyed to have our homes up-side down for the most part.. Had to move ALL of the furniture and so forth,not fun.. Tonight we moved a few peices around and re-doing stuff as we go.. I still have the bathroom to finish and then I can go to bed... I am again very tired.. Last night I went to bed oh, around 2-3 am.. Woke up around 5-6am and had a heck of a time going back to sleep.. UGH..

So we're about on Fathers Day and my husband has the day off, but his work schedule is off a lil bit to, so we'll all have to adjust to certain days off till he gets back to his normal schedule.. So we'll see.. My Birthday is soon here, and I so cant wait..I got some of my b-day gifts so I'll share with you some of those.. Lets see what else? Not much going on here.. Just enjoying myself what I can; and just dealing with the heat, and just about to hit over 100 outside,oy! I am so not ready for summer but thats ok.. I can do this..:)

Well,hope you all are well and happy.. I gotta go tackle that bathroom b4 I cant and fall asleep.. Be blessed !

Love & Light

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long Week!

Hello Friends.

Well its been a long week for sure. Even though my DH was home this week an extra 2 days due to a toothache which he got taken care of on Weds (yesterday) sorry drew a blank there.hehe

So he's been in pain since Sunday but the tooth broke a month or so ago and so now its all done, he has 2 more to do,but maybe we can prevent that and get his teeth done and glasses and his medical all done b4 summer is over? I hope so!

Lately I've been really exhausted, and been busy keeping house, but all in all things and life is good.. I did laundry today and washed a few dishes and ate a pizza and watching a movie called The Family Stone, oy it hits home for me in that movie , its a clean film but wow emotional .. I want to own it to, so we'll see..

The weather has been nice, and in the 80's and enjoying it.. I did get some goodies at Bath & Body Works and oy it was nice! Then I got a wallflower called Cinimon Stick, its strong but oh smells so good! I am like yeah!

Well here we are near Friday and my week went POOF right under me.. I'm drinking a chocolate shake, omg so good! My 2nd one this week to. I asked my sweet Dh to get me one. Mmm!

So thats my post tonight, not alot but enough for now.. I'm still pretty tired and need to sleep some.. May God bless you and Keep you and that all are safe in the summer time .. :) Much love

Love & Light