Hello Friends
Well here we are at the end of May.. I am for one glad to see it go.. I know alot of people ask why well, besides Mothers Day, the month doesnt bring much joy but at least my walk in the Lord is more and getting there each day..
Please bear with me, I have a dull headache and had it since this early Am like around 2:00 on and even went to bed with it but took some thing to help but its not all helpful at the moment and took a 2nd dose of OTC (over the counter) meds.. They do bring some relief but alot of times, it takes the edge off for awhile..
Please bear with me, I have a dull headache and had it since this early Am like around 2:00 on and even went to bed with it but took some thing to help but its not all helpful at the moment and took a 2nd dose of OTC (over the counter) meds.. They do bring some relief but alot of times, it takes the edge off for awhile..
Anyway back to to my post.. June is here and we'll be celebrating fathers day and many who have birthdays also which is me! My birthday is the 25th of June and oh so nice, even tho I hate summer hope each summer comes its mild and just wonderful.. Most summers here in the Central Valley are very hot, it goes from Bakersfeild to I believe Medesto or so, and its just HOT.. I hate it but at least we have A/C and are able to keep cool with a pool to.. My son hasnt learned to swim but he loves the water, espically bath time.. I took him swimming 2 weeks ago and he cried for about 5mins and then he got used to the big pool and wanted to swim.. So that was nice.. Even tho during the day it was over 100 outside..
So we're beginning to break into summer routine here and lazyness and that I dont have a car right now, makes things a lil difficult for me but that'll be remedied next year for sure.. So then I can do more activities with my son that stay home couped up from the summer heat and winter rain.. I am a winter person, I'd rather do stuff in the winter time than any thing, summer I get the depression due to the heat and just not much I find fun..
So hope everyone has a great summer and filled with busy bees even when the gas prices are over $4.33 here a gal, unbelieveable.. I sure wish the governmt would fix that and for everyone to have to pay regular price but thats a whole diff post than what I want to get into here.. So I pray everyone is safe and enjoys the summer time with loved ones..
Love & Light
Love & Light