Thursday, July 26, 2007

Possitive Thoughts Beginning.

Hola All,

Well the past couple days have been nice, even though its been blah and hot in the low 100's here in the central Cali valley.. I sure cant wait for fall to get here, and my son's bday in October.. Trying to plan that as I go,not sure what I am going to do,but we'll figure it out as we go along, need to discuss it with my MIL (Mom in law) about it since I have to find invitations to his bday and that all who can come will be there for his bday.. Last year was a blast from both sides of the family were present.. I liked that and hope that they will return for son's 2nd birthday party.. It'll be a BBQ and just a relaxing atmosphere for all of us and not so stressful..

Well I know I vented a few days ago about DH, well things are a little better in that department, he's being more possitive and not negitive and thats a BIG help and an answer to prayer and thoughts to God about it all.. Been stressful with him so negitive and just draines me out and I love his new outlook and I pray it keeps up so that way we can keep having a great marriage and not me praying to leave him..

The job search is still on, but hard to do when you have a toddler in tow and need to get job applications.. I still want a job from home, but praying on the right one to.. This week has been long and its finally Thursday (Wee hours of the morning weds night/thurs morning) and its only near 1am. I am tired been on the go today, since 9ish this morning.. We had MIL stop by on their way to the beach and we were cleaning and rushing around getting things picked up and cleaned up so it dont look like crap here at home.. I did dishes and 2 loads of laundry tonight to keep up since my cycle will be here in a couple days and so I want to rest on those days.. DH works Sunday and he worked this past Monday.. Its been nice to have him gone, even though I miss him alot, just need time to myself and its been nice but like I said a long week ahead.. We only have Monday together and we're gonna cancel his dentist appt and move it.. I am also waiting on a phone call from my eye Dr. saying my new frames for my glasses have come in.. I cant wait to get them and I pray I get the call soon.. I hate waiting so long..

I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers going out for us, since its been so long dealing with financial stuff, and knowing that things are tough but we get through by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who give us beyond what we need and even think for.. I am greatful for the Word of God being displayed in my Husband who dont realize he's listening to the word and just trying to by the Holy Ghost renew his mind and spirit, thats what we all need and I am so glad to see it slowly start to happen,but my biggest concern is how long will it last? I hope the rest of my life,but if things slip again and go weeks of negitivism then I have no clue what I'll do then, I hope I can hang on and keep praying that I be the understanding wife that I am and get into "Survival Mode" and just bear with it and keep going.. Well I'd best sign off, I took some advil for my back and neck its been stressful but not to bad..I just want to rest and sleep some so I can get back to normal.. Well God bless and keep in touch..

Love & Light


Anonymous said...

well mc always never a problem praying for all things we've talked about and you wrote down. :)
i will continue to do so. i keep on praying on many things too for y'all. i love ya a ton!! & always!