Well here we are, near the end of summer and schools will be in session for long.. Oh boy! So not ready for school accedemics to start and so happy to see fall coming.. Just enjoying some down time.. My son J went to grandmas for a couple days got home yesterday was praying a week but two days are better than not at all... July went out with a bang and glad to see it go.. Not much to report for july just hard to get through.. Some of my closest family and freinds know how hard it is.. So cant believe is Auguts already and the feel of it being so starting to slowly cool down but ya know how it is..
Well loved seeing my bff a couple times this summer her stoppin for a visit and dropping off packages.. We're discussing Christmas as we go, due to the school season and when the school is out for the break.. Hope that Hubbie has one of those days off.. Altho this year he has Thanksgiving off! WAHOO I pray so!!! It falls on his day off so we'll see..Can only cross fingers for that to happen..hehe...
Well, time for some rest for me, been busy! Keep in touch y'all!!
Love & Light