Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Closing

Hello Friends

Well here we are at the close of the Olympics and its amazing how time flies when you watch each country to show what they can do.. I love to watch them and so cant wait for Vancuver for the 2010 and London for 2012 yes!!! I gotta admit while taking the past 2 weeks watching this and seeing things really helped and keep the stress down due to watching what I enjoy and that is sports.. I find myself going wow as I watch the Opening and Closing Ceremonies as to how beautiful and no other country will be able to top China for thier spectacular performances and volenteers for their hard work and often sought help.. I hear they were great when every one was there and just all over all everyone had a great time..

On the home front things are slightly better, just taking things slow, course my personal period will be here at the end of the week, oy! Then I did laundry today due to just the heat at 100 and gonna be HOT the next few days this week as we close Summer out for the year.. Soon Labor Day will be here and offical fall weather upon us.. I am for one lookin forward to fall.. I've been reading my books to the past 2 weeks and one was awesome!!! Its called Sense of Evil and wow ! Is all I gotta say..Now I'm on Enchanted by Kay Hooper.. So just trying to get a littel down time and read while I can.. We're watching a movie calle The Mummy good movie and the new movie came out this summer, so I cant wait to see that.. So excited! So many good movies coming out and esp Harry Potter soon! Gotta see that or I'll go nuts!

Well, I do pray y'all have a good summer and get ready for the fall and schools stated and just begin the holiday seasons.. Hope to get through them with grace and paitence.. Well, now off to bed very tired after doing 4 loads of wash today in 100 degree temps..

Love & Light

Monday, August 11, 2008

Books and More Books..


Well, for some of you of my good friends who love to hear about my weeks.. Last Friday went in to the Ear/Nose/Throat Dr, and he'll approve my aid,yes! Thank you Lord for that! He also gave me a nazel spray for my hay-fever (allergies) and it seems to help and give major relief for sure.. So hope my aid comes in soon, I need it!

Today I got books ,3 of mine and 3 for Hubbie.. I got 3 of Kay Hooper books, and Hubbbie got some for him that he likes and I'll prob end up reading those to, hehe! So as soon as the laundry is done, I'll curl up to a book and read and relax, I am pooped.. I went to B&BW (Bath and Body Works) to re-deem my coupons for some cool stuff, so I got a walflower refill and a body spray apple scented.. Then a free 2oz lotion that you can tuck away in your purse or car to have on you.. Kind of nice:) Then went to Dollar Tree (DT) for some stuff, and then movies we're watchin Penelopy (SP)? and the other one is some movie I got.. I was so depressed no good movies to watch, and we've seen most of them anyway.. Hubbie made brownies, YUM! I need a major chcoloate bing right now.. I"m moody as heck and dunno why..

Anyway waiting on towels to finish up and then I can enjoy my night.. Yea! Well, I hope y'all have a great week and be blessed as much as possible.:)

Love & Light

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hearing Levels

Hello Friends

Well yesterday was my standard hearing test which isnt bad had them all my life every so many years. Well I've dropped a little in what I do hear.. My analog aid isnt helping me in that area and so my audiologist wants me to have a digital aid if my insurence will pay for an aid.. So my hearing is at 85-90% out of 110% of deafness.. So thats not good or bad in which case is good.. So he said I hear with in 85-90 decibles I guess the bigger the number the harder and the more deaf they get.. Which is I guess ok since I know Sign Language that does help but it'll be hard cuz I've had an aid all my life and he said it should stay stable so keeping a huge prayer on that..

Then today I was to see an ear/nose/throat Dr well he was out either in surgery or doing surgery, not sure which? Either case I go back over there next Friday so he can approve the aid since this analog isnt helping me much.. And it eats batteries like crazy!

So thats my week on top of feeling crappy on Weds due to a huge headache and felt like I was gonna loose it.. Thurs I was in a good mood and woke up great and today was going well to, so needless I must be myself again.? My period is almost over thank God.. I hate AF so much.. So I am tired to, I need a nap! I'll get one soon tho.. Son slept along time today at least 3 hrs or so. So that was nice and peace and quiet! I like that:)

Well I wanted to post before I forget.. Hope y'all are good and having a great end of the summer.. Its almost over!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love & Light